CVE Website User Satisfaction Survey

Please help us serve the community of adult educators better by completing our Website User Satisfaction Survey. Answering the following
questions should not take longer than a few minutes. Your answers will help us ensure that our website is useful, informative and relevant.
We will use the information provided by you to evaluate and improve the platform. Thank you for your involvement.

How did you learn about our website?

from a link on another educational website

from one of the project partners

from the seminar/ conference materials

from the CVE handbook



What were you looking for on our website?


Did the information provided answer your queries? (1 = exactly, 5 = not at all)

1 2 3 4 5


How useful is the information you found? (1 = very useful, 5 = not at all)

1 2 3 4 5


Is it relevant for your work in the field of adult education? In what way?


Did you find our website easy to navigate? (1 = easy to navigate, 5 = very difficult)

1 2 3 4 5


Please provide additional information or comments which might help us improve our website.