Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting the needs of vulnerable social groups

Life Together


Artistic Unit

Teambuilding with use of artistic methods

Subject of the unit Competences (key Lisbon competences) Practical skills Pedagogical aim Methods Didactic materials Duration and date
Getting to know everybody in the group and Teambuilding

VI. Social and civic competencies

VIII. Cultural awareness and expression

VI.1. Working as a part of a group

VI.2.Feel more comfortable in a group / to be able to present oneself in a more self-confident manner

VI.2. To build up a trust in a group - to be able to rely on a group

VIII. 1. To express emotions using dramatic features

To unite the group - teambuilding- for the participants to get to know each other and start building the trustTo raise interest of the participants in the future workshops Group work on simple dramatic activities:Games building up the trust among the participants individual expressions of emotions in front of the group Not used 4 hours (4 times 45 minutes) 06.03.2008

I A description of the activities undertaken during the unit, including comments on the reactions of the group/individual participants

1. Introduction
The introduction was made in the entertaining way. During the game everybody introduced himself. This was repeated few times to ensure that the participants will not forget names of the others for the next time.

2. Teambuilding activities
The group participated in all kind of games and activities uniting the participants and building up the trust. At the beginning everybody was really shy and uncomfortable during the activities but later we could observe that everybody enjoyed it and the primary tension was relieving.

3. Expressing the feelings in an artistic way
Everybody was asked to make a statue out of himself that would express how they feel at this moment. Thanks to this activity we could find out how the participants feel about the entire workshops and define who indulge fully in the activities and feel comfortable and who is still tensed by the unusual activities of the workshop.

II Was the aim of the unit achieved (the implementation of practical skills and the pedagogical aim)?

The games and teambuilding activities are very important in the group because most of the participants didn't know each other, so it is essential for the first few sessions to get to know everybody and build up the trust to be able to work further with the group . especially on the artistic activities in the future.
The games seem to be very helpful. During the game, each of the participants repeated his name few times, so that everybody got a chance to remember it for the next time. We could also observe relieve of the tension and the primary shyness was deceasing. Some of the participants indulged even in the friendly communication at the end of the workshop.
This all means really a big step because all of the clients (participants) are the individuals from socially excluded background who have many bad experiences throughout their life with their surroundings and with the people in general so it is hard for them to open up.
The entire workshop was designed in entertaining manner. The participants enjoyed it very much and laughed a lot during it. Everybody seemed enthusiastic about the next session. Based on this we hope that we achieved the second aim and build up their interest in participating on the project. However at this point it is to early to make a conclusions. We do not want the participants to fill out the forms necessary for the project or to document the workshop with the camera until we are sure that all the participants feel comfortable in a group. This evolves from the description of the group (clients) which we have already mentioned.

III Other remarks (for example on the interaction between artistic and educational elements)




The Bielskie Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre
Premises - contact address: ul. Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland
Office:ul.Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland ,
Phone: +48 33 497 56 55, 496 52 19Fax: +48 33 497 56 55, mailto: