Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting the needs of vulnerable social groups

Life Together

Roma Cookbook 2

Subject of the unit Competences (key Lisbon competences) Practical skills Pedagogical aim Methods Didactic materials Duration and date
Roma cook book- adding information

Competencies 6 and 7

Presentation of Roma cuisine to the public

To become aware and proud of their Roma culture and be interested in presenting it to the wide public Motivation and support of Roma culture and traditions Pen and paper, blackboard 3 hours
June 2nd 2008

I A description of the activities undertaken during the unit, including comments on the reactions of the group/individual participants

a. Socializing with others of the same origin
b. Put traditional Roma recipes in writing

We focused on adding other traditional recipes into our Roma Cookbook. We placed the tables in the middle of the room and sat around with a pen and papers. On the blackboard we wrote the ideas that should be added to the Roma cookbook. Then, we split the tasks among everybody. Each person was writing one recipe. After they finished with writing the recipes they consulted them together. The participants suggested other ways of cooking certain dishes or different ingredient that could be added to one another. That way we established many different alternatives to each dish. Finally we translated all the recipes to the Roma language.

c. We scheduled another meeting with the experienced musician for the June 5th

II Was the aim of the unit achieved (the implementation of practical skills and the pedagogical aim)?

Everybody really enjoyed this unit. The participants were enthusiastic about finding new and new traditional dishes and ways of cooking them. They had a chance to realize that Roma is not just an ethnic minority usually condemned by others , but a group with its own back rooted origin , rich history and wide range of traditions.

They were leaving very happy and proud of who they were and where they had come from.

It is obvious that we cannot change their way of thinking and build up self-esteem in one session but we are on the right track to make improvements in the future.

III Other remarks (for example on the interaction between artistic and educational elements)

It was the first time the participants had chance to consult different recipes and different styles based on the location where each of them was brought up. They learned about different Roma cooking traditions. That was the new information for them that the Roma traditions usually vary based on the location.
Another very important educational element was improvement in the way of expressing ideas among others and putting them in writing... Writing was especially helpful for practicing grammar and punctuation. Both competencies were practiced also in their own Roma language.




The Bielskie Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre
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