Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting the needs of vulnerable social groups

To be filled in by the teachers of pilot workshops

Die Wille gGmbH                                               

"The inner child, childhood and the education of children in kindergartens and day care centres"

Subject of the unit Competences (key Lisbon competences) Practical skills Pedagogical aim Methods Didactic materials Duration and date

childhood and the education of children

Social competences
(personal, interpersonal,

The ability to analyse ones own behaviour pertaining to ones own childhood and ones approach to ones own children (as opposed to other people`s children Improving ones approach to "difficult" children

Team work,
brainstorming, concentration exercises, discussion, "imaginary journey"

literary quotations from poetry or prose texts dealing with the topic of childhood;

Hand-outs concerning the topic "Listening" as well as agreements on rules for the communication within the group

6 sessions
60 minutes each)

1.A description of the activities undertaken during the unit, including comments on the reactions of the group/individual participants

  • Introduction of the total qualification measure; discussion about the goals (self-perception and perception of others, creativity increasing one`s self-esteem)
  • Name game: the participants introduce themselves and briefly describe their likes and dislikes.
  • "If you love your child, you need no method to bring it up" (adage from India). Result: a lively discussion about the meaning of "upbringing" and what love is basically about.
  • Afterwards all participant state what they mean when they say "love". The definitions are written down on the flipchart and subsequently discussed.
  • The trainer suggests that the group sets up rules for communication in the group, which are finally subsumised in a written agreement (hand-out based on Ruth Cohn).
  • Game "ABC-Relay" (goal is to activate the left hand brain region, to promote concentration abilities and to have fun).
  • "Phantasy Journey": meditation exercise dealing with one's physical self and one's inner child.
  • Subsequent feedback on what the participants saw and felt on their "Journey" (goal hightened awareness, accepting the inner process of self-awareness).
  • What does one`s own childhood have to do with interacting with the children in the kindergartens and day care centres? Each participant answers this question from his own point of view. Discussion about the difference between dealing with one`s own children and those of others. (for example, one is usually more strict with one`s own offspring, other people`s children often contribute to more understanding and tolerance for one`s own.)
  • Feedback: The participants express how they felt about today`s session. What could have been different or better?

2. Was the aim of the unit achieved (the implementation of practical skills and the pedagogical aim)?

    • The aim of the unit was achieved. The extraordinarily lively and motivated participation of the learners was sufficient proof of this.

3. Other remarks (for example on the interaction between artistic and educational elements)

  • Description of the exercise "ABC-Relay": The participants gather in a circle, one of them stands in the middle. On cue, the one in the middle recites the alphabet in his head. Meanwhile, the other participants pass an object around. When the trainer says "stop", the person in the middle must tell the letter in the alphabet, he has just thought of to the person holding the object. This person must immediately pass the object on and find four words beginning with the letter before the object returns to him. If he /she does not succeed, he/she must take the other person`s place in the middle of the circle. And so on....

This exercise helps the participants to relax and have fun. At the same time, the capacity of reaction, concentration abilities and verbal competences are promoted and the participants experience what it feels like to be in the centre of attention.




The Bielskie Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre
Premises - contact address: ul. Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland
Office:ul.Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland ,
Phone: +48 33 497 56 55, 496 52 19Fax: +48 33 497 56 55, mailto: