Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting the needs of vulnerable social groups

Pilot workshops

Youth centre "Babilonas"                                              

Educational Unit

Name of didactic block - Building the group and setting up the educational process within the project

Subject of the unit Competences (key Lisbon competences) Practical skills Pedagogical aim Methods Didactic materials Duration and date
Building the group for the learning process

Competence no 1 (communication in the mother tongue)

Competence no 5 (Learning to learn)

Competence no 6
(Social and civic competences)

I. 1 Participating in discussion, knowing its rules, presenting and arguing one's believes, polemical replies;
I. 3 Making notes and plans of action
V. 1. Developing self-belief and self-value
V. 3. Focusing on goals and aims
V. 4. The ability to combine old information with new as well as with one's own experience
V. 5. Critical thinking - comparing information from different sources
VI. 1. The ability to negotiate, looking for consensus, understanding democracy
VI. 2. Participating in different groups and taking on different roles (leader, participant, member of team)

To build the group with positive inner relationships among the members, with an aim to develop social competencies, wider understanding of intercultural realities and to settle up the personal learning goals. Group building activities using non-formal education pedagogical principles; working in groups; personal and interpersonal reflections; personal value based work for common understanding of the individuals Set of different tools for group building, individual work and group work (paper, pen's, ropes, ball's and etc.); questionnaires for participants for work on self-values.

12 hours (3 times x 4hours)


  1. A description of the activities undertaken during the unit, including comments on the reactions of the group/individual participants

The main focus was putted on creating a common understanding about working principles in the gathered group, developing social skills and settling the individual learning aims. The unit was designed using such activities as:

  • Getting to know each other realities and inner cultures
  • Building the group as a project community
  • Understanding the essence of self-reflection and practicing it
  • Exploring the decision making process within the group and reaching for common goal
  • Discovering personal values, positive and negative attitudes towards learning and cultural diversity
  1. Was the aim of the unit achieved (the implementation of practical skills and the pedagogical aim)?

Participants took very active role in the learning process. Understanding of personal values and attitudes brought participants closer to wider understanding of cultural diversity in European context.
The entire unit was implemented in Lithuanian language, during the individual and group work participants were practicing their communication and writing skills. Self-reflection methods were not that easy to cope with for participants, cause they have never practiced that in a structured way.
After gathering feed-back from the participants it became clear that all the group members developed the sense of security and trust within the group, their ability to learn from common and personal experience was raised efficiently.

  1. Other remarks (for example on the interaction between artistic and educational elements)




The Bielskie Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre
Premises - contact address: ul. Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland
Office:ul.Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland ,
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