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Photography and animation

When introducing children and youth into the world of modern technologies, the most appropriate method, according to the implementers of the "Animated Debate" project, was to compare the computer with other tools used everyday. Here, the computer as a tool for a digital photographs processing, found its place.

One of the tasks of the "Animated Debate" project was to introduce the participants to the art of the film and photography. The birth and development of the digital photography is one of the most important and most spectacular indications how much ICT has influenced art. Computer and specialist software have revolutionized photography. At the moment, when scanners and the software with practically unlimited possibilities became available to the photographers, the processing of each picture has gained the next level. In the natural course of things, also digital cameras appeared, which accelerated the process of making the modern photography.

On the other hand, implementing the elements of traditional and digital photography into the workshops programme seems as obvious as the relation of photography with the film. On one hand, this connection is based on practice and the similarity of used tool. One hundred years ago, the first film was made in the photographic workshop, and his author connected and synchronized the effect of several photo cameras. In the film and photography, the same method of transfer is used - it is the sensitive film in the traditional technique, and the electronic converter in the digital technique. Tools and aids used in photography and film are similar or even identical.

Digital photography gives the possibility to the immediate watching of the ready picture, as well as quick sending it to the memory of the computer. Now it can be subjected to the digital processing which, thanks to the programmes available, gives the unlimited possibilities of creation. Incidentally, photographic prints made with the traditional technique, can be very easily changed to the digital form, using a scanner. However, the scanner cannot guarantee such high quality and clarity of the picture as a good digital camera. Processed photos can be sent by e-mail, put on a website, or used in the animation. Photography and film, also animated one, are joined by the art of composing the image and frame. The practice of the proper composition was the important element of the workshop process. Each of the created animations, especially with the three-dimensional objects and figures, was based on the well-measured composition of the picture.

The outline of the workshop "London through the eye"
"London through the Eye"

Main assumptions:

Taking the pictures on London Eye and choosing the ones which would be digitally processed. The participants of the workshops were supposed to learn how to use the scanner and some selected tools of Photoshop programme. Their task was to plan the composition, content, and color while taking the pictures, and then the visualization of digital processing possibilities. While taking the pictures (using the traditional technique, not digital one) the participants could take only twelve images.


- Taking the limited number of postcards-like photos on London Eye
- Producing the pictures with the well-thought-out composition
- Scanning, saving, and importing the photos to Photoshop program
- Digital picture processing with the use of layers - the modification of layers, the choice of tools and color equalization.

Devices applied, software used
Mac computers, standard software: Photoshop, Fireworks, Flash.
Disposable cameras were used, each with twelve-frame film inside.

The course of the workshop

Workshops were planned for five meetings, four hours each. Then the participants were to become acquainted with necessary tools of adobe Acrobat programme - scanning, filters, colour equalization, layers modification.

First and second meeting:

During the first two meetings the following questions were raised:
- the environment of Photoshop programme
- the programme possibilities (the examples of the picture processing and other applications)
- the application of Photoshop programme components : Web Design, Graphics, Art and Photographic
- the difference between the picture on the screen and the picture printed
- downloading and saving the ready images, opening with the use of the proper programme
- Searching the helpful pictures in the Internet

There was also a briefing organized before the trip, dedicated to the anticipated results. There were the examples of postcards discussed, as well as the aim of the composition of the exemplary postcards.

The third meeting

The trip to London Eye. Reminding of the workshop aims. Taking the pictures, with the special attention paid to images taken from the center of the wheel, while remembering that pictures should be in the nature of postcards. Scanning, saving, and processing to Photoshop files. Choosing the best pictures. Work on the final presentation with trails and experiments. The techniques display. The effective use of layers and joined options. Text tools of the programme.

Anticipated results

Anticipated results were based mainly on building the skill to use Photoshop programme and developing an individual style.

The workshop participants were eager to take photos, and they were inspired by the idea of the workshop. They worked in a disciplined way, waiting impatiently for the final result, which gave them a lot of joy. The youth discussed about the composition of the particular pictures very willingly. The workshop task was to create such a composition, using the Photoshop tools, which would arise because of the participants' needs and skills.
The workshop participants learnt to perceive the picture as a collection of lines and textures that can undergo processing. All the participants used Photoshop programme for the first time and therefore when there was any tool presented, they all used only one way of picture modification. It was important to present the possibilities of the programme in such a way that the workshop participants were not overwhelmed with them.

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