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The tasks of the "Animated Debate" project website

The "Animated Debate" project website fulfilled a few functions. First of all, it was the popularizing and documental role - to promote the project, its ideas and institutions performing it. Its task has been to spread the effects and methods of working. It is the record of subsequent phases of all produced animations. One more very important function, fulfilled by the website of the project is to motivate the workshop participants to work. On the website there are all essential work results, the subsequent stages of produced animations, as well as all supportive and trial materials. The young authors enjoyed a lot that their works are available in the Internet, that they can be proud with their work at home or school, that they could say they are "in the Internet". This specific ennoblement and privilege made the workshop participants more motivated to work, especially at the moments when the next phases of a task production appeared on the website.

The next task resulted from the assumption of the project itself - the website was the place of "animated debate" between the participants. Here all the work results occurred and the workshop participants in all countries could au courant discuss and comment them.

A special users' forum was devoted for these comments and up-to-date information exchange. On an Internet forum the messages which are sent are immediately published. The user who launches the forum can have a preview of all general subjects and raised threads. Every Internet forum consists of a few imposed subjects (so called "discussion panel") and there are threads freely-developed by the users. The discussion takes place in the real time, that means that the answers (called "posts") which are sent onto the forum, appear there immediately and they can be read by all the current users. The discussion is usually moderated; one of the users has a technically possibility to edit the posts, remove them, and even close the threads. This interference is necessary to avoid littering the forum with vulgar posts, and ones not to the point or offending the users. Because the idea of each forum is an orderly information, coming from many sources. In the Internet there are thousands thematic forums concerning such varied issues as motorization, computing, medicine, and collecting. In our case, the additional protection was to guard the forum with a password; only authorized people could become familiar with the content; to take part in a discussion one had to register. The aim of these restrictions was first of all to provide safety for the children who published their e-mail addresses and photos.

The forum of our project was divided into two panels - the instructors' and the users' panel. On the first panel, the makers of the project discussed the current tasks production (the panel was divided into a few most important topics). On the users" panel there was a debate conducted on the next stages of work, as well as the opinion exchange about the work projects published on the website. This panel allowed also the young users to make contacts with partners working in different countries as well as to introduce themselves and discuss about their interests. Forum functioning in this panel was to fulfill two fundamental tasks - to make the workshop participants stop being anonymous to each other, because it allowed to show a photo or say a couple of words about their work. The groups who worked with each other could, despite the distance, see each other and talk. In the users' panel the discussion about the next work phases was to be conducted.

Despite the good beginning, the Internet forum ceased to fulfill its function with time and in the second year, it was decided to stop running it. There are a few reasons of it. The young workshop participants were too early asked to use the forum. For people, who have just began their adventure with a computer, an Internet forum may be too complicated tool. They were more eager to use e-mail. At the same time, it turned out that the discussion on the open forum is not attractive for all young people from every country. It was very well visible especially with the British group, who practically speaking, did not take part in discussions. Also among the instructors, not everybody proved diligent in using the forum. And here also, e-mail was much more popular.

Website creating

Creating websites involves among other things the necessity to purchase a name and space on some of the commercial companies which specialize in web pages service. In every country there are also companies which offer free service, but then most often one has to accept commercials, appearing on the websites, and one does not have the possibility to influence on their form, content, and the moment of occurring. When we launch a school Internet page or any page children would use, commercial surprises such as the promotion of erotic pages can turn out to be quite nasty. That is why, we suggest purchasing space on the commercial server (the costs are about 30 - 50 Euros a year). Then we can gain first of all the considerable amount of space, which can be useful when developing the website, and the page which would always work. Also, we will not be forced to have any kind of advertisement. Purchasing the commercial server, we also receive at least one e-mail address included. Buying one's own e-mail address - a domain costs about 50 Euros. But it is worth thinking about, because the address which can be recognized easily, is one of the pillars of our website success.
More and more school, teachers, and even students, have their web pages. They usually serve to promote some particular event - school association's achievements, the documentation of school and its students' output, or the promotion of the school itself, for example among future potential students.
More and more people look for information in the Internet as the first place. So the first action of people who seek, for instance, the computer animation projects, would be typing the expression "computer animation at school" into a search engine. And then, there appears on their screens a list of found website addresses. And here, most of the Internet users finish their search, supposing that if something does not exits in the Internet, it does not exist at all..

Creating a web page is, in spite of what it may appear to be , not a difficult task. Web pages are first of all the source of information, and later only the source of entertainment. They also serve as educational aid. If we want to create a legible, attractive web page, which would inform about some school event or achievements, we have to follow some rules and valid principles. If we do not have experience in this field, it is better to entrust a webmaster, a professional, with creating our website. They will make for us a page exactly like we want it, and without any technical errors. The Internet is full of not very well thought-out pages which contain plenty of unnecessary information, made in slovenly fashion, whose form and chaos divert attention from its purpose.
A moment of planning will allow to avoid these mistakes and to create a web page which will fulfill its role. In the plan, it is important to answer such questions:

What will our web page contain? (here we should build the structure going from the most general information to the most detailed)
Who is the web site addressed to, who should use it? (but we must remember that our website will not be reserved only for, for example, art teachers. Anybody can get to our website while searching information, so presented content should not be too hermetic.
What particular pages will contain, what we want them to contain - what kind of texts, what kind of graphics, in what proportions, etc (here we should reflect, the content planned in every detail is surely needed).
We should consult such outlined and described plan with a webmaster, for who our plan is the most essential hint.

If we decide to make a web page on our own, it is good to use specialist literature or on-line guides; there are many of them in the Internet.

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